The Cloth Nappy Laundry Service
Easy and convenient - clean cotton nappies delivered to your door on a weekly basis
Our laundry service is an excellent alternative to washing cloth nappies at home, especially during the first six months when you've got more than enough to do.
Since 2003, we’ve helped upward of 750 customers use cloth nappies – some stay with the laundry service until toilet training and return with second/third/fourth children while others move onto home-washing once the routine is established.
Laundered to NHS standards, our soft cotton nappies are a viable and convenient alternative to single-use nappies.
How does it work?
We use cotton prefold nappies with the service. You hire these from us and pay for the weeky hire/delivery/collection service. You will need waterproof wraps to use over the nappies and disposable liners to catch the poo and put it down the loo. For more information about the starter kit, see here. For more about the weekly service see here and ongoing costs here.