Nappy ever after bucketInitial Delivery & Starter Kit Costs

We can deliver the starter kit to you at any time –  a few weeks before your due date or after the birth.

Your first delivery will consist of:

The cost for the above starter kit is:

Hire of 6 new born (7-10lbs/3-5kg) waterproof wraps
100 Disana biodegradable disposable nappy liners
Pack of 3 Nappi Nippas
1 nappy bin (refundable deposit)
4 weeks nappy hire/wash in advance @ £15.00 per week
Less RNFL Voucher @ £54.15


 - £54.15


These costs are just an example. If you already have waterproof wraps, choose different ones or start when your child is older, the starter kit price will vary.

Real Nappies for London vouchers can be redeemed against the cost of our nappy laundry service. The price above is the current maximum voucher value available from some London boroughs. You do not need to apply for a voucher if you join the laundry service.  We can do this for you.